Feb, 14 2023
Is the Supreme Court of India reliable?
Aarav Mathur 0 Comments

Is the Supreme Court of India reliable?

The Supreme Court of India is the highest court of law in the country, responsible for interpreting the Constitution and ensuring that justice is upheld. Despite this, there have been some controversies surrounding the reliability of the Supreme Court, particularly in the face of political interference and delays in the judicial process. However, the court remains largely reliable, as it is staffed by experienced and knowledgeable judges who are held to strict standards of impartiality and are often able to resolve complex cases. In addition, the Supreme Court has taken steps to reduce delays and increase transparency, such as introducing a digital filing system, which helps ensure justice is served quickly and efficiently.

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Feb, 8 2023
Supreme Court opens itself: Office of Chief Justice under RTI?
Aarav Mathur 0 Comments

Supreme Court opens itself: Office of Chief Justice under RTI?

The Supreme Court of India has declared that the Office of the Chief Justice of India is open to the Right to Information Act (RTI). This means that citizens can now seek information from the Supreme Court and its departments under the RTI Act. The decision was made in response to a petition filed by an RTI activist. The Supreme Court noted that transparency and accountability are essential in a democracy. They also noted that the RTI Act should not be interpreted as a tool to obstruct the functioning of the judiciary. This decision is a major victory for RTI activists and citizens in India.

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